Your Missing Middle

Here's something that's been bugging me lately: Everyone's got it wrong about what makes global talent work in business.

I’m a student of military history, and as I’ve written about before - I think we can all apply ideas from it to our own businesses.

Everyone thinks building a great military is about the generals making big decisions, the massive numbers of troops on the ground, or fancy technology.

But that's not it at all.

The secret sauce?


Let me explain why this matters for your business.

Throughout history, armies basically had two layers: officers (the fancy people giving orders) and troops (the not-so-fancy people following them).

This was true for the Romans, the Ottomans, pretty much everyone.

BUT: The most successful military forces figured out they needed something in between.

The Romans had their centurions.

The Ottomans had their çavuş. Today, the US military has its sergeants and chiefs.

These aren't the officers.

They're not the new recruits.

They're the people who've worked their way up through actual experience.

The ones who've been there, done that, seen it fail, fixed it, and done it again.

Now, here's the thing about the American military that makes it different: It built an entire professional class around these people.

Other militaries have sergeants, sure.

But the US military made them the backbone of the whole operation.

Your business needs the same thing.

See, most companies work like those old armies: owners/executives at the top, junior global talent at the bottom.

They hire "global talent" and expect magic to happen.

But it doesn't work that way.

Want to know how I can quickly hire people all over the world and actually make it work?

It's not because I’m hiring geniuses (though the right attributes help).

It's because we have this middle layer of senior global talent.

I’ve written about them before, and we are developing more every day.

Germaine, Anya, Binsi, Sof, Kim, Pri, Manuel - These are the heart and soul of our company!

People who've been doing this for years.

These are the the folks know how to make global teams ACTUALLY function.

These are our modern-day sergeants.

And they're worth their weight in gold.

Here's what most companies get wrong:

They hire junior global talent and put American middle managers in charge of them.

Then they wonder why everything feels disconnected.

It's like taking fresh recruits and putting them under officers who've never served a day in combat.

There's this massive gap - in experience, in culture, in understanding.

No wonder things break down.

What's missing?

The global talent sergeants!

So what should you do about it?

  1. Identify your sergeants. Who are the people that others naturally look to for guidance? Who knows how to get things done across teams, time zones, and cultures?

  2. Invest in their professional growth. A lot of them have never even fired someone before, or run a good one on one - you need to teach them!

  3. Treat them as adults, build a career with them.

  4. Give them real authority. When they say something won't work, listen.

The best part?

This scales down.

You don't need to be a massive company to learn from this.

Even if you're just starting to hire globally, this is the secret: Build your sergeant class first.

Trust me, it helps.

Yallah Habibi,


Here is a random sampling from the last 50 members who joined the global revolution at


AI Development Company

Software Consulting Firm

Digital Marketing Agency

Data Analytics Provider

IT Solutions Company

EdTech Software Platform

AR/VR Technology Firm

Real Estate and Property Management

Property Management Firm

Residential Property Management Company

Land Management Company

Real Estate Management Provider

Property Renovation and Management Company

Real Estate Agency

Construction and Home Services

HVAC and Plumbing Services

Foundation Repair Company

General Construction Firm

Residential Construction Provider

Garage Renovation Services

Mechanical Services Company

Construction Materials Supplier

Marketing and Advertising

Digital Marketing Agency

Online Marketing Firm

Content Marketing Company

Media and Branding Agency

Hospitality Marketing Firm

Investment Firm

Financial Services Providers

Venture Capital Firm

Asset Management Group

Financial Advisory Services

Healthcare and Wellness

Behavioral Therapy Provider

Healthcare Equipment Supplier

Medical Capital Solutions Company

Nutritional Products Manufacturer

Wellness and Real Estate Integration Firm

Education and Training

Knowledge Sharing Platform

Professional Development Services

Career Development Platform

Manufacturing and Industry

Construction Accounting Services

Industrial Roofing Company

Manufacturing Accounting Services

Entertainment Equipment Manufacturer

Telecommunications Provider

Retail and Consumer Services

Residential Cleaning Services

Transportation Services Company

Luxury Goods Retailers

Lifestyle Products Provider

Private Aviation Group

Consumer Healthcare Solutions Firm

PS: I’ve been picking more fights with business influencers over on Twitter, and I have to tell you - it has been an absolute blast.