Fixing What Bugs You (3 Days to Launch)

3 Days to Launch

Yesterday I talked about the "SaaS-bro" problem.

Venture-backed solutions that try to be everything to everyone—and end up not helping people like us.


Today, I want to show you how we're thinking about this challenge differently.

Here's a new idea:

What if instead of jamming your problems into another off-the-shelf SaaS tool, we just asked you and your team:

What bugs you?

Just tell us:

• What's not working in your business?

• What's keeping you from scaling?

• What makes you think "there has to be a better way"?


- "I can never keep up with customer support emails."

- "Our content marketing is inconsistent."

- "Invoice reconciliation eats up my entire Thursday."

- "Our field sales reps don't use CRM"

- "I need to document how we handle refunds."

Sound familiar?

Here's where it gets interesting, and is the key unlock to what we are launching:


Pathfinder is the (until now internal) app we've been using to figure out where to deploy global talent and AI/ automation in our own businesses.

We’ve "fed" Pathfinder everything we've learned and done building global teams and automation workflows.

It solves my biggest problem.

"What the hell should I automate/use AI for, and what the hell should I use global talent for?"

Not in theory.

In practice.


We've fed Pathfinder a TON of data:

• Every hiring request we've ever filled (and their final compensation)

• Blog posts from our competitors

• Thousands of posts in two dozen subreddits

• Every Zapier zap and Make template on their site (10,000+)

• Entire Youtube channels

...and so much more.

(...Pathfinder is a blend of... DRUM ROLL PLEASE... AI & Global Talent).


Here's how Pathfinder works:

  1. You tell us what bugs you.Just tap a button and talk. That's it. Or upload text. I like cutting and pasting entire Slack channels' text into the tool - it finds GREAT stuff.

  2. We send you 100% custom to your business (it's based on the data you gave us!!) clear, actionable ideas on how to use global talent and/or automation to fix what's bugging you.

....that's it... there is no step 3.


The best part?

This isn't just for you – it's for your entire team.

I'll be honest, I don't know what's going on beyond about one layer deep in our company!

But I want them to build leverage too.

So I just send them this tool!

They don't need to know about global talent, or AI, or whatever - they just need to be able to answer one simple question:

"What bugs you about your job?"

Real operational leverage isn't just about making the CEO more efficient.

It's about giving everyone in your organization the power to solve problems and build leverage.

Think about that.

Every time someone in your company hits a wall or finds themselves doing mind-numbing repetitive work, they don't have to figure it out alone.

- They DON'T need to become automation experts.

- They DON'T need to know how to hire globally.

They just need to tell us what bugs them.

We've turned "I hate doing this" into "I know exactly how to fix this"…and we do it by combining the two most powerful operational levers in business today: global talent and AI/automation.

No more guessing what to delegate or what to automate.

Just tell us what bugs you, and we'll show you exactly how to fix it.

This is what happens when you build for real businesses instead of venture capitalists.

When you focus on solving real problems instead of scaling daily active users.

When you care more about results than raising your next round.

This tool is the key unlock to help us build "Digital Power Tools"...

....which I'll talk more about tomorrow.

Yallah Habibi,
